

FRA 5311

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작성자 관리자 작성일21-07-15 12:25 조회1,858회 댓글0건




FRA 5311

Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer

The FRA 5311 Sweep Frequency Response Analyser detects transformer winding movements and mechanical failures due to mechanical shock, 

transportation or short circuits as defined in the IEC 60076-18. It can also be used for diagnostics on rotating machines. 

The FRA 5311 is the smallest and lightest device in the industry  and is extremely easy to use. Just needs to be plugged into a USB port of any computer 

(for communications and power) and with the windows based software tests can be performed. 

Clever grounding connection guarantees measurement repeatability even at high measuring frequencies. 

The additional analysis mode allows easy comparison between curves. In addition, measurements from other SFRA manufacturers can be loaded 

by using the IEC 60076 recommended XML format or by importing them directly (most common SFRA manufacturers' formats available). 

* Feature

 · Measures according to IEC 60076-18 or ANSI IEEE C57.149

 · High signal-to-noise ratio thanks to its output voltage up to 11 Vpp at 50 W.

 · Rugged, lightweight and the smallest in the industry

 · One single USB connection for data and power to the computer.

 · Measures Magnitude [dB], Phase [°], Impedance [W], Admittance [S] and Ratio.

 · Windows based, easy to use graphical interface, including analysis mode for curves-comparison and automatic reporting capabilities

 · Pre-defined test sequences for most common transformers

 · Upload tests from other devices by using the IEC 60076 XML compatible format, as well as formats from other manufacturers



