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작성자 작성일22-07-21 14:13 조회2,436회 댓글0건



 DDX 91260/9161

Partial Discharge (PD) & Radio Interference Voltage (RIV) Detector

The DDX 9121b is the latest in the DDX family of partial discharge (PD) & radio interference voltage (RIV) testing instruments. 

The new front-end solution provides a solution with up to 4 PD and Voltage channels in a single compact body with the market leading solution reaching only 1.3kg

for 4 cvhannels option.

A powerful digital signal processing allows user to select any measuring frequency range within IEC 60270 and far beyond. This with the steepest filter characteristic for the high noise rejection. 

Unique built-in measuring impedance (AKV) makes the set-up easier and more compact than ever.

New software based on CaMS (HAEEFLY’s Control and Measurement Studio) provides the most flexible and userconfigurable environment on the market. Anything from single meter display 

up to complex analysis can be configured and displayed, depending on user’s experience, application or need.

Galvanic isolation

The optically decoupled front end provides complete galvanic isolation between control room and test field. It thus affords the personnel the highest safety level and in addition minimizes ground loop, 

resulting in a reduced interference coupling.

The DDX 9160/61 is modular and fits a wide range of PD detection applications.

Traditional partial discharge measurements according to the latest IEC 60270 or RIV measurement, PD under DC and PD cable site location (SL) are covered. 

Phase Resolved PD (PRPD) analysis and recording capabilities allow future data analysis.
Software layout flexibility and versatility,  Reduced training time - Modern SW makes the use of the device easier than ever. Operators can start using the device in minutes.

Measuring time reduction - Simultaneous PD and RIV measurement enables users to reduce the testing time
The DDX 9160/61 increases the laboratory sensitivity as it is equipped with digital filters allowing the measurement frequency band to be shifted into a less noisy range 

and suppressing frequency dependent noise. In addition, there are gating (windowing) possibilities to blank out static interferences.
The reports can be printed out or displayed as a web page (XML format). Users can also export results to a CSV file. 

Software also provides screenshots function for inclusion in other reports. 



