

KAL 9531

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일21-07-16 13:49 조회1,816회 댓글0건




KAL 9531

RIV (NEMA and CISPR) Calibrator

Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) calibrator KAL 9531 is a successor to the popular Tettex 9220a. 

However, KAL 9531 exceed functions of its predecessor and present competition and became a proud market unique device 

combining two RIV measurement standards – NEMA and CISPR – into a single device. 

It is compact, easy to use and has the solid long battery operation capability.  

KAL 9531 offers a unique possibility to conduct backward compatible measurements with former valid and broadly used NEMA 107-1987 standard (Stoddart RIV meter) 

but also to follow currently valid CISPR 18-2 standard used for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) measurements.

Its unique high-end design ensures high quality output sinus signal within a wide frequency range providing coverage of requirements for Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) measurements.

The RIV calibrator is easily controlled by two large buttons. Voltage and frequency values are displayed on a large display together with battery status and test standard selection.

* Features

 · Compliance with NEMA 107 and CISPR 18-2

 · Selectable and broad voltage and frequency output

 · Large screen

 · Hand held

 · Robust and modern design

 · Battery operated



