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PTE-50-CE Pro

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작성자 관리자 작성일21-07-21 16:51 조회1,653회 댓글0건



PTE-50-CE Pro

Two Channel Single Phase Relay Tester (50 A, 150 V)

Any test set in the PTE range can be upgraded with an additional voltage source, the PTE-FCN option. 

This electronic, independent source can be adjusted in amplitude, frequency, and phase angle. 

It comes installed as standard with the ‘Pro’ versions of the PTE sets, 

but it can also be purchased separately and mounted by the user inside the unit’s lid in a few minutes. 

The PTE-FCN will dramatically increase the relay types that can be tested, usually avoiding unnecessary investment in three-phase equipment. 

The PTE-50-CE Pro, for example, is an unbeatable single-phase test set for directional, frequency, synchronization and generator protection relays. 

* Characteristics

 · Output power: 100 VA

 · Current: up to 50A – voltage: up to 150V

 · Selectable 1st to 7th harmonics

 · Adjustable phase angle: 0 – 359.9º

 · Second voltage (Pro): 30 VA, 0-140V, 0-359.9º, 40-70 Hz

 · 1-ms resolution digital programmable chronometer

 · External synch input

 · RS-232 communications port and BUS-PTE

 · Multi-mode trip detection

 · Software-based adjustment and calibration

 · IP-65 protective case

 · 13.5 kg (Pro: 14.5 kg)



